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Thringstone History Projects

Many local people are working on their own individual projects. Perhaps tracing their family history, or investigating the history of the house they live in.

If you are working on such a project, that has links to the Thringstone area then The Friends of Thringstone would love to hear from you.

You can share as much (or as little) information as you wish, you might find that we already have some information that would help you in your own special project, or you might be able to supply that crucial "missing link" that another local history researcher is looking for.

We think it is important to preserve our local history.

If you agree and would like to help you can start by completing one of our History Project collaboration forms online, or by down-loading a form to print and fill out later.

Go to our History Project Collaboration Form (On-line, PDF or MS Word format).

Thringstone History Projects
Some short audio extracts from our local voices history project

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This page was last updated by the Thringstone WebMaster on Monday, January 28, 2008 16:43